Hello good day, it is another beautiful day here in Missouri. Well It really is not. It is raining today. Oh well. Well this is an update for all of you on how this week has gone. I forgot that Mother's day was this week until I saw the Email from my parents saying hey we can not wait to talk to you this week! I am excited! I felt like it was yesterday that I talked to my family on Christmas.
Monday we went to the Science Museum with a group of missionaries. It was fun and interesting. We met members from different places like Utah and Washington who were there visiting family. It is funny how small of a world it is sometimes. Especially in the Mormon World.
Tuesday we had district meeting. We started our Exchanges right after district meeting. So I had Elder Fagar with me here in Fenton and My comp went with Elder Bassett the DL down in Hillsboro. It was cool to go on because Elder Fagar is awesome. We had our Scriputre Study Class that night, and only one person came.... OH well. Just does not work how ESTL did.
Wednesday after service we switched and I went down to Hillsboro with Elder Bassett and My comp stayed up here with Elder Fagar. It was cool to go work in someone elses area. It is nice to get a break from your own area. We did a lot of walking looking for potentials and such. We had an appoitment with this lady from Modesto California. It was cool to hear that she was from California. We had a dinner appointment at a recent converts place. After talking to the Family they asked where I was from and I said Temecual California and the Mom started Freaking out. She was like I am from there!!! I graduated From Temecula Valley High school in 1991!!! I was like no way!!! I asked why the heck did you come to Missiouri? haha she laughed about it. It was funny we both graduated from the same High School. She just graduated before I was born... It was cool because we knew many people in common. Mostly Teachers who were still at TVHS when I was there. Like Nolen. haha She was not a member in High School. But just kinda cool. It is cool how many connections to people out here I have found.
Thursday We spent the whole day tracking out Part members down in house springs. We knocked on a door where the family actually moved but now we are going to have an appointment with the Family we knocked into. I love how the Lord works in such mysterious ways.
Friday we spent the whole day giong around everywhere because we dropped 6 investigators this past week. It is just time to find more people. We gained one new investigator that day from a ptoetnial we were working with. We showed up at a Less active members randomly hoping they would feed us dinner because we did not have an appointment that night for dinner. It worked. So we got a dinner that night.
Saturday we did a blitz on our area with the ZL's. They do it with every compaionship in the Zone once a transfer. So I went out with Elder White one of the Zone Leaders. I sent my comp with Elders WIlliams to go to all our teaching appointments so that My comp could get more practice and Elder White and I went out looking for people and checking potentials and such. We found another new investigator that day. It was nice because we were able to get so much done.
Sunday was awesome. Nicke came to church with Her bf Tony again to our ward. She really enjoyed it. The ward is really excited about her and her Baptism. They have been doing an awesome job with Fellowshipping her. Some members are actually kinda fighting over who gets to have her at there house with us for teaching appointments... I love it. We tought her yesterday a couple hours after church with Brother Baker. We taught the 3 lesson and the Law of Chasity. Most people find it very awkward to teach the Law of Chasity and dodge around it not explaining things fully. I have gotten very good at teaching it espcially after being in East St. Louis. haha We also set up her Baptismal Calender. She is still scheduled for may 26th. The weekend before she is baptized she will be in Utah touring Temple Square and other stuff!!! I am so excited for her to do that. I just noticed that is the same day My Brother is getting married. SO it is kinda cool while my brother is being Sealed I will be doing Nickes baptism. Well I think her Boyfriend will perfrom the Ordinace. I kinda hope he does becauseit would be cool espcially if they get married:)
Today we have zone Pday. We are all going to City Muesum again. Then tonight we have an appointment with a Member referal at a members place. This is going to be very exciting!!! Hopefully this person will be picked up as a new investigator!!! Thakn you all so much for those who still write me! Which is not very many people anymore. I still love you all. Just Remember Jesus Loves you!!!
Elder Derek Turner
*Serving in Zion*
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