Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Another week has come to pass. Last monday we had out zone pday. It was fun. We went bowling together as a zone. It was way fun. I throughly enjoyed bowling. Then we had a CDM. We were going over the mission goal of Baptisms which is set at 450 for the year of 2013. It is kind of weird because I will not be out here the whole year to see if we will reach that goal or not. After the meeting we started exchanges. Elder Terrazas came down to my area with me. We had an appointment with the Moises that night.
    Tuesday was a great day. We had D-meet that morning. After that Chauncei went over to Lindas with us. She helped teach the Word of Wisdom to him. It was great. Espcially getting a recent convert to help in missionary work. That night the Moises took both sets of missionaries out to dinner. They took us to a Mexican Resturant. It was the best Mexican food I have had on my mission so far. Not as good as back home though of course. It was so much fun because they had a Band playing music. Even though I could not understand what they were singing it was still a blast! The Moises brought one of their friends who they invited to be taught to dinner also along with Chamagne another investigator that is there good friend too. It was awesome though. After that Fiesta we returned to the Moises where we taught there friend the first lesson. Her name is Sharon. It was way awesome. SHe seems to enjoy it!
    Wednesday morning we taught Lynae and Jaaniece. We taught the first half of the second to them because there were great questions to be asked by them. That night we had dinner with the Lewis family who is a recent convert family. Then we went and taught Boyd. He is another new Investigator of this week. He was a former at first. He is very interesting. He still has a hang up on the Sabbath day with himself being a 7th day adventist.
    Thursday was a hard day for us. We it was raining very hard. We were trying to catch a bus to the Depaul hospital to see a referal there that we received. The bus never came to take us that way. So we ended up having to walk many miles to get there. When we got there he was in therapy so we had to wait a bit to see him. But we finally got to see him and found out that he was a member who was from Big Bear California orginally. His GF was there and she is a non member. But it ended up just being a very weird visit. Then we had to walk back to our appartment finally a bus coming as we were about a third of the way home. We did our weekly planning that day because some appointments fell through and friday was to busy already. We went by many different potential investigators. It just did not work out very well that day... oh well!
       Friday we started off the day teaching Tommy. Who was a former also. We had to drop him because lack of communication months back. He called us the day before and asked to meet with us so we did that morning. We picked him up as a new investigator again. Then after we met with Chanuncei. It was a great appointment. We taught him the 10 commandments. He loved it. He gets mor interested in everything ever time we meet. It is awesome. That night Beth txted saying she was having a hard time that day with cutting down on smoking. So we saw them and they ended up taking us out to dinner again. They took us to Bandanas BBQ. It was awesome! Very good bbq it was. Then we came back and read the Book of Mormon. We have been working very hard to get them to do that as a family every night.
         Saturday as another interesting day. We walked miles to contact a media refferal which ended up not being real because there was no one living where the address was... The number was not real either. It stunk when we got there finding out this. But hey not too big of a deal. When then saw Monica and Bree. Getting them motivated to go to chuch the next day. Then we had dinner with the other Lewis family. We had to take a bus up there. On that bus there was a lady cussing up a storm complaining about how the white man runs everything and put down the African Americans. It was sad to see but she kept going on and on complaining about her kids also. Then before she got off the bus apologizing to us for the thins she said. It was not said directly at us but someone she was dealing with. But weird experience...  Bro. Lewis has a sister that lives in my home stake in the Morgan Hill Ward. It was just a cool connection. That night after dinner Bro Lewis went to our appiontment we had with Pierre who was a former too that we lost contact with a long time ago. We get there and he has a drunk friend who started trying to fight with us fairly quickly but then we got him out of the house. Where we were finally able to start teaching. So everything ended up better then when we started.
         Sunday at church was fun. Tommy came to church for the first time. He loved it talking to everyone and hugging just about everyone. He really brings an energy there. Everyone at church loved him also. He is going to start playing basketball with the Older men in the ward too. Phil had an interview to recieve a calling. Tune in for next week to hear what calling he recieved! A random lady who was church shopping showed up to church also. After church she wanted to meet and learn and take the first lesson then and there. So we did. She is an intersting person is all I have to say. Very smart but was being so logical to where she could not have an room for her heart to feel the Spirit. Then after we had dinner witht he Gonzo's. Then we went to the Moises. As of last night Beth is now a non smoker. She crushed her Cigs in celebration. We got to crush some too. She is starting the workshop offically today going without smoking.
         It has been a great week. In the next few weeks this area should see a few baptisms! Have an awesome week!
Elder Derek Turner
*Serving in Zion*

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