Monday was a good day. After emailing I got to go do some ceramics here at Richland. We know a member who goes here and takes ceramics. So I got to get on the wheel and throw a bowl. It was way fun. I was surprised that I still could do it. I took Ceramics my senior year of high school. Then after we went shopping and played raquetball! oh yes. We had dinner with the Banks who is a pm family so had a lesson with them. Then we went to teach Dustin and his family.
Tuesday we had a district meeting. It was good. I did a training on having faith to find investigators and such. Which is not always easy. But it is so important in the work because if you are not finding then you are not teaching. We then had another appointment with Dustin that day. It is a struggle for him to quit smoking... But soon his mother is coming close to the end and that will help him because it is stressful for him to see his mother suffer. A man we gave a blessing to last week just passed away this week. I had a feeling that he would pass on during the blessing. But I know it still gave him comfort. Then we saw Andrea which was good. Then we had an appointment with Mary. It was awesome! We taught her the Word of Wisdom and also the Law of Chasity. It is kinda funny teaching the Law of Chasity especially to a 70 year old women. She got a little awkward at first but we have to teach it anyways unless if they are a kid. So it still ended up good though. Then after had a lesson with another part member family at the Mooths home. Then that night we taught Olivia whose brother was baptized a few weeks ago. We picked her up as a new gator. It was great!
Wednesday we had another lesson with Mary. It is getting down to clutch time because she will be baptized this Saturday so we had to meet with her a lot to go through the commandments. We went over tithing which was good. Then after we met with Shatonia. We never even got to the planned lesson with her again. oh well. Then that nice we saw the Rices and taught them. Then also gave the mother a blessing because she was not feeling well being in and out of the hospital.
Thursday was good also. We had a few dropped appointments but still got a few lessons. We first taught Savanah and Ali at the church with Bro Vogel who is awesome. It was a good lesson with them. One of them used to be a former gator. We will see how it goes with them. Then after we went to teach Kristen. She dropped us in the lesson. That was sad. The has happened very little on my mission with people dropping us compared to us dropping others. OH well. Then that night we finished with having dinner at Dustins and a lesson.
Friday was good. We had weekly planning that morning. It was good. Then I had a mini exchange with Elder Cambell in his own area. They have been struggling. It was good. They had no one to see or contact so then he could not come up with anything else to do so we started knocking doors. Then second person we talked to invited us right in and we picked up a new gator for them. It was awesome! They have been really having trouble in there area and having faith to find. So it was cool because I told him we would get a new gator that day. And we did within 15 mins. The Speers a pm family we are teaching just got two ducklings because there kids wanted ducks. Then named on duck Elder Turner and the other Elder Woodbury. It was awesome for them to name there two ducks to name there ducks after us. The kids love us though.
Saturday we started the day by helping a family move out of the ward. Then we had two appointments fall through but we made some others unplanned to happen. That night we had a lesson with the Carsons and there friends at the church and then played basketball. It was a lot of fun. Our classic Saturday night activity.
Sunday we had church. It was good. After church we had a lesson with Joel and his family. Then we taught the Banks again. Then we ended the night by teaching Mary. She only has one more lesson until she will have her interview for baptism! It is way exciting!!!!
Today we will go play some raquetball and just hang out at the Ison mansion. It will be fun! Have a great week!
Elder Derek Turner
*Serving in Zion*
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