What another week it was. Full of experiences that will never be forgotten. Tuesday we had Combined Zone Conference with the Ofallon Il. Zone. That was the Zone I was in last so it was nice to see all my friends who are still over there and talk with my last comp about East St. Louis to see how they are doing there now. Zone conference was really awesome. I took a lot from it which I have started to apply in my missionary work. I have been improving on setting expectations and inviting those people to be baptized in the first or second lesson we have with them. After Zone Conference we started exchanges. So the District Leader came with me to Fenton and my comp went to be with the DL's comp in Hillsboro. We had a dinner appointment that night where we found out that the First counsler in the Wards bishoprics wife was trampled and rammed by the bull that they have. She was feeding it or something and that is how she was in the cage with the Bull. She died, but after 10 mins of CPR in the ambulence they brought her back. She techincally died 3 more times in medical terms at the hopsital during her surgeries. But she is alive now. She has recieved 26 units of blood. She has been going through numerous surgeries. That night we had our first correlation meeting with the Ward mission leader. I am really not used to having a ward mission leader. I am so used to doing everything by ourselves like how we did in ESTL. The next day Elder Newby (DL) and I went looking for part members and in-actives. We felt impressed to walk to this part members place. Which was a couple miles away. We got there and knocked on the door. The Non-member Husband answered the Door. We asked if his wife was home, he replied that she was in Chicago. We then asked him if we could help him with anything like service or yard work. He said he did not need any help. Then I invited him to take the lessons with us but then he said no that he did not want to hear them. Friday night while we were on the way to give another person in the ward a blessing in the Emergency Room with the Bishops family, we recieved news that the Non-member guy we visted with the Member wife had died from a heart attack while gardening. It was a shock. But very interesting at the same time. We were the last time God reached out to him in hearing the Gospel. It makes me wonder if he would of died he accepted into taking the lessons and letting us help him with yard work. He may of had the heart attack no matter what he was doing anyways but it still makes me wonder. I was just happy to at least give him the chance to hearing the gospel one last time. Everyone has the free agency no matter what. After we visted that man we walked a couple more miles to visit this less-active who we found out who moved. I guess we scared the lady who lives there now when we knocked on her door so she called her husband who called there land lord. We told them we were looking for this guy. But when we started our 3 mile walk back to the car we started to try to hitch hike. Then this guy pulls over and asks us why we were looking for this less active. He told us that the people who live there called him said we knocked on there door. I guess he was a really good friend of the less active. He ended up giving us a ride back to our car and gave us in info so we gained a potential from that all:) haha Before we switched again for second exchange where the DLs comp was with me we saw one last person. We felt impressed to see this other part member. The member husband answered the door. He has not been to church in a real long time. He told us he had been praying for help and was really happy to see us. We started talking and I can tell something was sketchy with this guy. Long story short, he believes that aliens built the pryamids and that Jesus Christ did not come to this earth and a whole bunch more crazy stuff... He said he had learned all this stuff from some books that he read. When he showed us the books I knew those books were not of God but of Satan. We left there. It was crazy. I then was on exchanges that night with Elder Simms to the enxt night. We found many potentials and gained a new investigator with him. It was cool. We got a ton of girl scout cookies from everyone.
We started to doing some service at a food pantry at this Church called Faith Church. It is a big Non-Dom church. It is the only food pantry that is decently close to us. The Bishops son is awesome because he comes on team-ups twice and offers all our investigators rides to church and it is great. Our dinner Saturday night switched to Sunday because it was stake conference weekend. So we went to this Faith Church's Saturday night service. We went to GO buisness contacting there because truth be told this church is more like a buiness then a church. They had a concert and I definalty felt an aderline rush while I was there but the spirit was absent. I understand why people like going to these church's because of the aderanline. They think the spirit feels like that but it does not. There is a difference in Aderanline and the Spirit. We had some good contact there. I am so grateful to me a member of this church, The only true church which contains the fulness of the Gospel and Blessings of Jesus Christ. No church can compete with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is the Lord Kingdom once again established here on this Earth. I love the Gospel. Stake Conference went well. Some great testimonies were beared. The mission President, Pres. Clark spoke at it. It was awesome. But I love you all, have a good week, God Bless America.
Elder Derek Turner
*Serving in Zion*
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